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Graduate Program
The Department of Anthropology at Sacramento State University offers a Master of Arts in Anthropology. Our department embraces an integrated approach to anthropology and provides general graduate-level training in the four subfields: archaeology, cultural, biological, and linguistic anthropology. Beyond this foundation, each student designs a plan of coursework specific to their post-graduate goals in one of the four subfields. Students are then expected to demonstrate mastery of their subfield by preparing a thesis of original scholarly research.
Our M.A. degree prepares students for a range of careers and future educational opportunities, including but not limited to:
Professional careers in
- Cultural resource management
- Non-governmental or community-based organizations
- Healthcare
- Economic development
- Program evaluation
- Government and private sectors
- Doctoral training in anthropology and related fields
How to Apply
Admission Requirements
Admission to classified graduate standing in Anthropology requires:
- A baccalaureate degree.
- A minimum 3.0 GPA for all undergraduate work.
- Applicants who meet the minimum admission requirements but who do not have a strong background in anthropology may be admitted conditionally.
Application Process and Deadlines
Graduate students are considered for admission for the Fall semester only. The application deadline is March 1st. To ensure consideration for admission, applicants must submit the following:
Step 1: Complete the Cal State Apply Application. Each applicant must submit the California State University common application electronically to at Cal State Apply along with the nonrefundable application fee. Details on this application process are available on the Office of Graduate Studies website. The Cal State Apply site began accepting applications on October 1, 2024.
Approximately three (3) business days after submitting your application, you will receive instructions from the Office of Graduate Studies regarding the process to create a SacLink account and a link to a website where you will need to upload the following department supplemental application requirements.
Step 2: Department Supplemental Application
The departmental supplemental application consists of a form, a statement of purpose, and two (2) letters of recommendation by the posted application deadline.
A statement of purpose. The statement of purpose is an important part of the application, as it allows the faculty to assess the applicant’s scholarly and research interests, writing skills, and potential for success in the M.A. program. The statement of purpose should be no more than two (2) single-spaced pages and clearly specify intended research interests. If research interests are not fully developed, then it is helpful to propose possible topics and contexts where the applicant may hope to work. The statement should not be an extended narrative about personal history, except as relevant to research plans. Elements that would make for a strong statement include, but are not limited to, the following: the scholarly or applied importance of your area of interest; a discussion of your preparedness to undertake graduate level study (e.g., previous research experience, coursework, field schools, etc.); the name of at least one (1) Sacramento State anthropology faculty member who would be a suitable thesis advisor (it is encouraged to contact this faculty member via email before applying) and an explanation of why you selected them; and, a discussion of how your interests intersect with Sacramento State Anthropology program/faculty research areas.
Two letters of recommendation. You must provide names and email addresses for two (2) individuals who can write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Once you do so, an email will be sent to your letter writers with instructions and a link for them to submit their letters electronically. It is recommended that applicants select referees who can assess the applicant’s potential to succeed at the graduate level in anthropology, such as past faculty in anthropology for upper-division anthropology courses or supervisors in anthropology-adjacent careers (for example, CRM), who hold graduate-level degrees.
Program Requirements
The Master of Arts degree in Anthropology consists of at least 30 units of graduate courses with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Required Coursework
- At least three of the four core seminars, including one in your area of interest (ANTH 202, 203, 205, 207) with no less than a grade of B.
- ANTH 211 (Communicating Anthropology), the graduate program colloquium series, where students will take a 1-unit course for three (3) semesters for a total of 3-units.
- Three (3) additional units of graduate seminars (e.g. ANTH 200, 201, 204, 210, 222, 223, 254, 258, 274)
- Nine (9) units of additional graduate-level course or upper division courses from the anthropology major with advisor approval. Some units may be taken outside the department with advisor approval.
- Each student will write and present a thesis research proposal. Presentations will take place during the ANTH 211 colloquium series with all thesis committee members present.
- ANTH 500 (Thesis Writing).
Financial Support
Applicants may be eligible for general scholarships available through the Scholarships Office at Sacramento State.
Applicants seeking financial aid in the form of loans or need-based grants should contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Sample MA Theses
Author | Year | Title |
Ellis, George Patience | 2024 | Age Estimation in Yellow-Bellied Marmots: ZooarchaeologicalApplications and Beyond. |
Her, Samantha Ly | 2023 | The Magic of Healing: An Exploration of Contemporary Hmong Shamanism |
Holden, Sarah | 2024 | A Symbol of Hope: An Ethnographic Analysis of Memory, Emotion Work,and Recovery Post-Fire (in Paradise, California) |
Kadooka, Lauren | 2023 | Representing Hawai’i’s Local Community in the Present: AnExamination of Historiography at Hawai’i’ Plantation Village |
Peterson, Marcus J. | 2024 | Evidence for Health Inequality between African Americans and Euro-Americans in the Haman Todd Collection. |
Slowick, Timothy | 2023 | Prehistoric Chronology and Upland Settlement on Orestimba Creek,Central Diablo Range, California |
Wilder, Juliana C-B. | 2023 | Prehistoric Land Use, Mobility, and Exchange in Hermit Valley,Alpine County, California. |